Day 4:
Our Stirling Engine is starting to take shape. We need to connect the elbow to the base of the engine, and we need to RTV the two pillars as well. The two pillars will hold up the crankshaft.
Day 5:
Richard took the Stirling Engine home and glued the displacer and pressure valve in place. He also RTV'd the pillars and elbow to the base. We've placed a balloon on the elbow and have attached the balloon to the crankshaft. We need to check for leaks and find a way to attach the crankshaft to the pressure vessel.
Day 6:
Richard has leaked test the engine numerous times in his pool. We've applied tons of RTV to the places where bubbles appear during the leak test. Hopefully, all the leaks will be covered in time for the 3.5 floor deadline.
Day: 7
Richard purchased Sterno, so hopefully that large amount of fire power will provide a sufficient amount of energy.
Day 8:
The Stirling engine is not quick working. There is probably a leak. Additionally, things are starting to fall apart. My dad and I reconnected the crankshaft to the pressure vessel and tried patching up even more holes by applying RTV to every possible spot.
Day 9:
Stirling Engine doesn't want to seem to work. Dr. Philhour has told us to stop working on it. Despite the setback, we've have learned valuable collaboration skills for the future.
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